Did you know that only 6% of South African citizens can retire comfortably? Make sure you don't make the same mistake as the other 94%.

Use our free retirement calculator below to see how much money you need to put away to live comfortably in your old age.

Enter the current values and monthly contributions of your retirement funds below:

Value Monthly contribution
Provident fund R R
Pension fund R R
Retirement annuities R R
Other R R
How many years before you retire?
Total value of funds R
Total monthly contributions R
Your total funds at retirement will be R
This will be sufficient for a gross monthly income of R
Value of monthly income in today's buying power R

The following assumptions are used in this calculation:

  • 7% Increase in contributions
  • 12% Investment return
  • 7% Increase in post retirement income return
  • 7% Inflation
  • No capital left after 25 years