Are you or do you know of anyone who is:
- Struggling to meet your monthly debt repayments?
- Getting calls from pesky credit providers demanding money?
- Trying to get rid of negative items on their credit reports?
If you do, then you you are not alone…
You might have had a major financial setback and now you are finding it difficult to pay your debts. Sadly, this happens too many people these days.
Your creditors are constantly phoning and harassing you for money, and you don’t know what to do.
Before your creditors threaten you with legal action, it is wise for you to consider legal assistance before your financial issues get out of hand.
Here we will discuss 5 scenarios where it’s absolutely essential to have legal assistance when it comes to dealing with creditors.
5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Legal Assistance
Being harassed by debt collectors:
If the debt collectors are constantly calling you after hours or at work and you can’t convince them to stop harassing you for payments, this may be the right time to employ the services of an attorney who explains about your rights and contact the creditors that are contacting you.
If you can not make your payments
After reviewing your finances you have come to the conclusion that you cannot afford to repay your debts before the creditors can start legal action, it is wise to seek the services of legal assistance who will give you advice on the situation.
If you are threatened
If one or more of your creditors has threatened you with a lawsuit or has filed a lawsuit against you, you must consult an attorney. Doing nothing is the worst approach you can take in this situation.
When assets are repossessed:
The creditor has repossessed your car or other items you have purchased and may be threatening you with a collection suit.
Help you negotiate lower monthly payments
Did you know that you can negotiate lower monthly payments with your creditors? The saying goes “if you do not ask, you will not receive”. This is absolutely true when it comes to creditors. They will rather help you out than avoid you defaulting on your debt completely. Here’s where legal assistance will do great wonders for you.
How much does it cost?
We have all heard the stories about attorneys and how expensive it can be, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
When you actually do go to court – yes then then legal fees can stack up like a house of cards, however it very seldom goes this route and let me tell you why…
Your creditors knows that going to court is expensive and it will most likely cost them more than what you owe – therefore they will usually try and scare you first with legal letters from their legal departments.
So what option do you have then? In most cases what you need is legal assistance that is affordable to help you in the event that you do need the advice. This can be fairly cheap like R49pm which is less than a can of coffee these days.
How does it work?
It’s actually pretty simple, you can load your entire policy online within 4 minutes.
Simply head over to the site, complete the form and complete the debit order instruction and you will have cover immediately.
You will then also receive your welcome documents along with a complete email course on how and when to use your cover.
As you can see from the reasons above, being armed with expert legal assistance can be a great benefit to you and your family. This also doesn’t have to be expensive and you get get away with cover that cost you less than a pot of coffee.